Privacy Policy

Our Commitment to Privacy 

TruCash is committed to protecting the privacy and security of customer personal information. This policy explains the types of personal information we collect, how it is used, and the steps we take to ensure customer personal information is handled appropriately. Our policies and practices have been designed to comply with the federal Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) or corresponding provincial privacy acts, as applicable (collectively “Privacy Laws”).


Definition of Personal Information

Personal information is any information about an identifiable individual including unrecorded information or information recorded in any form. Personal information may include such things as residential address, age, income, date of birth, driver’s license and/or passport number. We do not collect information from minors under the age of 16 without parental permission. Our commitment to privacy is governed by the following privacy principles:


  1. We are accountable to you

TruCash is responsible for all personal information in its possession or control, including any personal information that is provided to us by our agents or transferred to third parties for processing, storage or other purposes. We have a designated Privacy Officer who is accountable for compliance with this policy.


  1. We obtain your consent to collect your personal information

TruCash obtains your consent to collect personal information. The method of obtaining consent will be appropriate to the type of personal information being collected. We will not use your personal information without your consent, except for urgent instances where it is required to do so and it is impractical to obtain your consent. Examples of other situations where we may need to use your information are:

  • When TruCash or its affiliates need to collect monies;
  • In connection with an investigation or proceeding; or
  • As required by law.


  1. We limit collection of your personal information

TruCash collects personal information required to provide our products and services. We will collect personal information only by reasonable and lawful means. Examples of why we collect personal information include:

  • Processing and keeping track of transactions and reporting back to you;
  • Protecting against theft, fraud and error;
  • Analysis of information to determine that relevant services are offered to those who may need them;
  • Providing products and services requested by you;
  • Advising you of products and services that TruCash believes will be of interest to you and provide value to you;
  • To monitor security; and
  • To comply with legal and governmental requirements.


  1. We strive to keep your personal information current and accurate

TruCash endeavors to keep your personal information up to date, accurate and relevant for its intended use. You can assist us by updating your personal information (e.g. change of address) with us.


  1. The security of your personal information is a priority for TruCash

We take steps to safeguard your personal information, regardless of the format in which it is held, including:

  • Physical security measures such as restricted access facilities and locked filing cabinets;
  • Shredding of documents containing personal information; and
  • Electronic security measures for computerized personal information such as password protection, database encryption and personal identification numbers.


  1. We provide access to your personal information kept by TruCash

You can request access to your personal information kept by TruCash Customers who wish to contact us should refer to the “How to Contact Us” section below. You may request any of the following:

  • What types of personal information we have on record or in our control, how it is used and to whom it may have been disclosed;
  • Reasonable access to your personal information so you can review and verify its accuracy and completeness and request changes to the information; and
  • Updates to your personal information.


  1. How to contact us:
  • By calling 1.800.624.6171
  • By e-mail to:
  • By mail to: TruCash 2680 Skymark Avenue, Ste #700 Mississauga, ON. L4W 5L6


If all your questions, concerns and complaints have not been resolved to your satisfaction, you may also complain to the Privacy Commissioner within your jurisdiction, where applicable.


Politique de  Confidentialité

TruCash s’engage à protéger la confidentialité et la sécurité des informations personnelles des clients. Cette politique explique les types d’informations personnelles que nous collectons, comment elles sont utilisées et les mesures que nous prenons pour nous assurer que les informations personnelles des clients sont traitées de manière appropriée.  Nos politiques et pratiques ont été conçues pour se conformer à la loi fédérale sur la protection des renseignements personnels et les documents électroniques (LPRPDE) ou aux lois provinciales correspondantes sur la protection de la vie privée, selon le cas (collectivement, les « lois sur la protection de la vie privée »).


Définition des informations personnelles

Les informations personnelles sont toutes les informations concernant une personne identifiable, y compris les informations non enregistrées ou les informations enregistrées sous quelque forme que ce soit. Les renseignements personnels peuvent inclure des éléments tels que l’adresse résidentielle, l’âge, le revenu, la date de naissance, le permis de conduire et/ou le numéro de passeport. Nous ne collectons pas d’informations sur les mineurs de moins de 16 ans sans l’autorisation parentale. Notre engagement en matière de confidentialité est régi par les principes de confidentialité suivants :


  1. Nous sommes responsables envers vous

TruCash est responsable de toutes les informations personnelles en sa possession ou sous son contrôle, y compris toutes les informations personnelles qui nous sont fournies par nos agents ou transférées à des tiers à des fins de traitement, de stockage ou à d’autres fins. Nous avons un responsable de la confidentialité désigné qui est responsable du respect de cette politique.


  1. Nous obtenons votre consentement pour recueillir vos informations personnelles

TruCash obtient votre consentement pour collecter des informations personnelles. La méthode d’obtention du consentement sera appropriée au type de renseignements personnels recueillis. Nous n’utiliserons pas vos informations personnelles sans votre consentement, sauf dans les cas urgents où cela est nécessaire et où il n’est pas pratique d’obtenir votre consentement. Voici des exemples d’autres situations dans lesquelles nous pourrions avoir besoin d’utiliser vos informations :

  • Lorsque TruCash ou ses affiliés ont besoin de collecter des fonds ;
  • Dans le cadre d’une enquête ou d’une procédure ; ou
  • Comme l’exige la loi.


  1. Nous limitons la collecte de vos informations personnelles

TruCash collecte les informations personnelles nécessaires pour fournir nos produits et services. Nous ne collecterons des informations personnelles que par des moyens raisonnables et légaux. Voici des exemples de raisons pour lesquelles nous collectons des informations personnelles :

  • Traiter et suivre les transactions et vous en faire rapport;
  • Protection contre le vol, la fraude et les erreurs ;
  • Analyse de l’information pour déterminer si des services pertinents sont offerts à ceux qui pourraient en avoir besoin;
  • Fournir les produits et services que vous avez demandés ;
  • Vous conseiller sur les produits et services qui, selon TruCash, vous intéresseront et vous apporteront de la valeur ;
  • Surveiller la sécurité ; et
  • Pour se conformer aux exigences légales et gouvernementales.


  1. Nous nous efforçons de garder vos informations personnelles à jour et exactes
  • Fournir les produits et services que vous avez demandés ;
  • Vous conseillerez sur les produits et services qui, selon TruCash, vous intéresseront et vous apporteront de la valeur ;
  • Surveiller la sécurité ; et
  • Pour se conformer aux exigences légales et gouvernementales.


  1. La sécurité de vos informations personnelles est une priorité pour TruCash

Nous prenons des mesures pour protéger vos informations personnelles, quel que soit le format dans lequel elles sont conservées, notamment :

  • Des mesures de sécurité physique comme des installations à accès restreint et des classeurs verrouillés;
  • Déchiquetage des documents contenant des informations personnelles ; et
  • Mesures de sécurité électronique pour les informations personnelles informatisées telles que la protection par mot de passe, le cryptage des bases de données et les numéros d’identification personnels.


  1. Nous donnons accès à vos informations personnelles conservées par TruCash

Vous pouvez demander l’accès à vos informations personnelles conservées par TruCash. Les clients qui souhaitent nous contacter doivent se référer à la section « Comment nous joindre » section ci-dessous. Vous pouvez demander l’un des éléments suivants :

Quels types d’informations personnelles nous avons enregistrées ou sous notre contrôle, comment elles sont utilisées et à qui elles peuvent avoir été divulguées ;

  • Un accès raisonnable à vos informations personnelles afin que vous puissiez examiner et vérifier leur exactitude et leur intégralité et demander des modifications aux informations ; et
  • Mises à jour de vos informations personnelles.


  1. Comment nous joindre :
  • En composant le 1-800-624-6171
  • Par courriel à :
  • Par la poste à : TruCash., 2680 ave Skymark, bureau 700, Mississauga, ON L4W 5L6


Si toutes vos questions, préoccupations et plaintes qui n’ont pas été résolues à votre satisfaction, vous pouvez également porter plainte auprès du commissaire à la protection de la vie privée de votre juridiction, le cas échéant.

What Does TruCash do with your Personal Information?

TruCash is committed to protecting the privacy and security of customer personal information. This policy explains the types of personal information we collect, how it is used, and the steps we take to ensure customer personal information is handled appropriately. Depending on your jurisdiction, you have certain rights under applicable law regarding the personal data we process, which may include the right to request access or deletion.


Financial companies may choose how they share your personal information. Federal law gives consumers the right to limit some but not all sharing. Federal law also requires us to tell you how we collect, share, and protect your personal information. Please read this notice carefully to understand what we do.

The types of personal information we collect and share depend on the product or service you have with us. This information can include:

  • Social security number
  • Account balance and payment history
  • Credit history and credit scores
  • Name, DOB and Addresses

When you close your card, we continue to share information about you according to our policies.


All financial companies need to share customer’s personal information to run their everyday business – to process transactions, maintain customer accounts, and report to credit bureaus. In the sections below, we list the reasons financial companies can share their customer’s information; the reasons TruCash choses to share; and whether you can limit this sharing Contact us:

  • By calling 1.800.624.6171
  • By e-mail to:
  • By mail to: TruCash 2680 Skymark Avenue, Ste #700 Mississauga, ON. L4W 5L6

Unless we hear from you, we can begin sharing your information 30 days from the date of this letter. However, you can contact us at anytime to limit our sharing.

Reasons we can share your personal information

Does TruCash Share?

Can you limit this sharing?

For our everyday business purposes:

  • process your transactions, maintain your account;
  • report to credit bureaus;
  • verify your identity and the identities of other members of your company;
  • bill developers for our services and to transmit payment;
  • comply with law, such as tax reporting;
  • respond to your comments and help personalize the services experience for you;
  • communicate with you about products, services, offers, and events offered or sponsored by TruCash and to provide news or other information we think may be of interest to you;
  • protect the rights, privacy, safety, or property of TruCash and others;
  • detect and prevent fraud, malicious activity and other illegal activities or as required by law; and
  • for any other reason described to you when the information was collected.



For joint marketing with other Financial Companies (such as credit card companies)



For our affiliates to market to you:
Our affiliates can be financial companies or non financial companies.



For non affiliates to market to you



For our marketing purposes:
To offer, improve and develop our products and services to you



Sharing Practices

How often does TruCash Notify me about their practices?
We must notify you about our sharing practice when you first become a customer.

How does TruCash protect my personal information?
To protect your personal information from unauthorized access and use, we use security measures that comply with federal law. These measures include computer safeguards and secured files and buildings.

How does TruCash collect my personal information?
We collect information as required by law for transactions on our cards. We also collect personal information from others, such as credit bureaus, affiliates and other companies.
California Residents Under California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”), and subject to certain limitations and exceptions, if you are a California resident, you may have the following rights with respect to information we collect:

  • to request access to more details about the categories and specific pieces of personal information we may have collected about you in the last 12 months (including personal information disclosed for business purposes);
  • to request deletion of your personal information;
  • to opt-out of “selling” your personal information, if a business is selling your information;
  • and to not be discriminated against for exercising these rights.


Please note TruCash does not “sell” personal information to any parties.

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